
Reborn writer, recovering Pharisee~

If someone says I’m a good writer, I say thanks much. Because I know I am.
If someone says I stink, I say thanks much. Because I know I do. And If you’ll point out exactly where I stink (and communicate same in an understandable fashion) I’ll be a better writer tomorrow.
One person focuses on strength and another on weakness, depending on what pops into focus. There’s room for improvement always. I’d rather you focus on my strengths but truthfully, I learn more from the other.

Just no teeth please :)


Well said. I tend to distrust positive comments about my writing if they're too gushy. Like you, I learn more from comments about what doesn't work.

So very true. The negative may sting a bit, but what we learn from it is so much more valuable just then receiving praise!

Carol- so true. If someone's gushy (and without ulterior motive) I just figure the writing appealed on an emotional level and remind myself that doesn't mean the prose can't be improved.

Eileen- guess the key is the ability of the person offering criticism. If they communicate well, you learn. If not... then I go looking for someone gushy to take the edge off :)